
Why Ulpia?

I am Catalin Balog-Bellu and I believe that good people who strive for a better life for the others, are more than expected. Some of chose to be doctors.

Join Ulpia - we offer the best resources in education and development, access to the best doctor-speakers around the world and the latest technologies world-wide.
Designed for doctors.

Join Ulpia if you are

Healthcare professional

Educate yourself online and offline, find out information about medical equipment and products, develop your medical business.

Content creator

Ulpia offers to doctors-speakers not just financial advantages, but also support and resources to grow.

Event organiser

Create your own event and we bring our passion and our expertise. Ulpia - for event organizers that want to make a difference.


Our events are targeted to specialists that have direct interest to follow your informations. Ulpia - for efficient producers and distributors.

User affiliate program

UAP - User affiliate program

We've designed UAP for rewarding in a proper manner the expertise of the givers.

User affiliate program (UAP) is an integrated system that values the contribution to others' development. Check out more details.
UAP - from respect for the givers

Choose quality education adapted
to your needs


Your time matters. Choose only qualitative trainings


Specific trainings for your interest only


Latest info from top experts in the field

Medical entrepreneurship

Must-have tools for your business success