Event organizer in Ulpia

Plan efficiently and promote without any cost your event with the help of our reliable platform.
Ulpia - for events that matter.

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Event organizer in Ulpia

Create your profile

Get up and running today. It's easy and absolutely free. No third-party advertiser approvals.

Add your event

You can have your own event or co-organizer. Either way, you win.

Reach targeted audience

We promote your event to doctors international level. You just take care of speakers and UX.

Frequently asked questions

You sign up and fill-in your profile.
You create your page event using our template or make it your own. Start sharing the page and gain attendants.

Join the tailored community for your events

Useful resources

Create an event

See tutorials for event organizing and content management. Easy and fast, with respect for your time.

Build your audience

Enhance your success by better targeting your audience

Promote your event

Learn the best ways to promote efficiently your event.