Producer / Distributor partnering with Ulpia

Get your message straight to the interested audience and increase your conversion rate.
Ulpia - one stop success shop.

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Producer / Distributor partnering with Ulpia

Create your profile

Get up and running today. It's easy and absolutely free. No third-party advertiser approvals.

Add your offer or be part of an event

You can be part of an event or have your own event or just share your trainings. Either way, you win.

Reach targeted audience

We send you message to the community of doctors and specialists. So you get straight to your customer.

Frequently asked questions

You sign up and fill-in your profile.
We choose doctors and technicians based of their interest on fields. We promote your offer directly to the interested communities. By this, we increase your conversion rate. No extra-charge!

Join the tailored community for your events!

Useful resources

Create the right offer

See tutorials for event content management of your offer.

Target your audience

Enhance your success by better targeting your audicence.

Promote your brand

Learn the best ways to promote efficiently your brand identity.